Here's a simple soup to go for it and kohlrabi your kohlrabi. Try a new thing, go for a culinary adventure, take the kohlrabi by the leaves and go for it!
Here's a simple soup to go for it and kohlrabi your kohlrabi. Try a new thing, go for a culinary adventure, take the kohlrabi by the leaves and go for it!
Parsnips can play well with others in soups, stir fries, roasted dishes--just don't put them in a carrot cake!
The Irish know how to cook a mean stew, and not waste parsnips to boot! Laugh at the snow falling outside as you enjoy this hearty, filling brew of a stew, with a secret ingredient that is as Irish as it gets. Your parsnips will shine and your belly will be satisfied.
This Simple Black Bean Soup with a Hint of Orange below will give a navel twist to bean soup!
See what's on SALE in the store HERE.
Check out our featured vendor, STUTZMAN FARMS,
and their amazing grains, here!
The Beans, Beans in this soup will help you function like a lean fibrous machine. Let yourself be surprised by the hint of orange as you down this hearty soup topped with creme fraiche alongside some cornbread.
Mom shouts, "Look!"
And the car comes to
an abrupt, jerking stop.
Dad's eyes grow wide.
"Watercress!" they exclaim,
two voices
heavy with memories.
From Watercress by Andrea Wang
Watercress is a rich, leafy power green, with gram for gram more vitamin C than an orange, more iron than spinach, and more calcium than a glass of milk. Like Popeye's spinach, it packs a punch! Flavorful and versatile raw or cooked (even in soup!), it has a slightly peppery flavor like its cousins arugula and mustard greens. This Vietnamese Beef and Watercress meal below will express the best of watercress!
See what's on SALE in the store HERE.
Check out our featured vendor, BROKEN ROCKS BAKERY,
and their amazing breads, here!
Watercress is a rich, leafy power green with gram for gram more vitamin C than an orange, more iron than spinach, and more calcium than a glass of milk. Nevertheless, I digress. Plan to impress nonetheless with fresh WATERCRESS paired with marinated Vietnamese beef largesse in this little-mess, no-stress, satisfying meal that will leave you unable to suppress the sweet taste of success.
Who else is watching a LOT of football? Those guys surely eat a LOT of spinach. This spinach pepperoni bread will be perfect for game day(s). Recipe below!
See what's NEW in the store HERE.
Check out our featured vendor, BLACK RADISH CREAMERY, and their amazing cheeses, here!
Pepperoni, cheese, chewy crust, and...spinach. No one will even notice! But you'll love it, because you're grown up. And your tastes are set much higher than on a typical pizza roll. Whichever team wins, your belly will be content.
Swiss chard might be a beet without a beet, but it still has soul. These colorful, flavorful leaves and stalks will liven up any dinner! Kids love them, and the whole family will love this creamy pasta.
Don't be intimidated by dandy greens--put 'em on your pizza! Any hint of bitterness can be offset by sauteing first, or just have the sweet tangy sauce and goat cheese be the counterbalance! With this effortless way to get more greens, how much fun are New Year's resolutions??
After indulging in Christmas treats galore, try this refreshing salad to bring in the New Year. Featuring mandarin oranges, pecans, kale, and Honeycrisp apples, the homemade, creamy poppyseed dressing will bring it all together and make for a fun holiday meal—but with veggies, fruit and nuts this time. Get a jumpstart on your New Year’s resolutions!
On the red side: Evercrisp apples, red potatoes, and ruby red grapefruit
On the green side: hydro head lettuce
On the sidelines cheering: Rainbow carrots, mandarin oranges, Shiitake mushrooms, yellow storage onions, and BLACKBERRY PIE
Team Yellowbird for the win!!
This crispy, sweet yet tangy ham will be a highlight of your holiday! Picture this: Caramelized honey with a hint of winter spice and a grapefruit glaze frozen in time over perfectly done ham. Guests drooling. Dog whining. Children digging in with gusto and adults digging in like children. The perfect holiday scene. God bless us every one!