All in Recipes

Irish Beef Stew

The Irish know how to cook a mean stew, and not waste parsnips to boot! Laugh at the snow falling outside as you enjoy this hearty, filling brew of a stew, with a secret ingredient that is as Irish as it gets. Your parsnips will shine and your belly will be satisfied.  

Vietnamese Beef and Watercress

Watercress is a rich, leafy power green with gram for gram more vitamin C than an orange, more iron than spinach, and more calcium than a glass of milk. Nevertheless, I digress. Plan to impress nonetheless with fresh WATERCRESS paired with marinated Vietnamese beef largesse in this little-mess, no-stress, satisfying meal that will leave you unable to suppress the sweet taste of success. 

Spinach Pepperoni Bread

Pepperoni, cheese, chewy crust, and...spinach. No one will even notice! But you'll love it, because you're grown up. And your tastes are set much higher than on a typical pizza roll. Whichever team wins, your belly will be content.

Dandelion Greens Pizza

Don't be intimidated by dandy greens--put 'em on your pizza! Any hint of bitterness can be offset by sauteing first, or just have the sweet tangy sauce and goat cheese be the counterbalance! With this effortless way to get more greens, how much fun are New Year's resolutions??

Spiced Honey and Grapefruit-Glazed Ham

This crispy, sweet yet tangy ham will be a highlight of your holiday! Picture this: Caramelized honey with a hint of winter spice and a grapefruit glaze frozen in time over perfectly done ham. Guests drooling. Dog whining. Children digging in with gusto and adults digging in like children. The perfect holiday scene. God bless us every one! 

Bok Choy and Mushroom Tart

Try eating the bok choy, red onions and mushrooms in your box as a simple tart, framed by a unique quinoa crust. Serve with some salsa and creme fraiche, while the aroma of bacon and coffee lingers  during your meal, whatever time of day you serve it. The chickens who laid the eggs want you to know: bok, bok, choy!

Pepper Steak

Red onions and green peppers come together in this festive pepper steak meal with delicious grass-fed ribeye, available from Tall Grass Ranch. 'Tis the season for sizzling steak, juicy peppers and crispy onions! 

Sweet Potato Pie

Adapted from Pioneer Woman

Easy as pumpkin pie, but with sweet potatoes. And bourbon! Not responsible for how much your family loves it--they'll want to come over every year! 

Delicious All Blue Mashed Potatoes

Make your potatoes a beautiful shade of purple blue, without dye and without even trying. Prepared just like traditional gold or white potatoes, these will surprise and delight your Thanksgiving guests (without even trying!). Here's a simple recipe to help you breathe a sigh of relief during your final meal prep. You have bigger things to worry about, like that needy turkey in the oven! 

Balsamic Braised Beef with Pears

Bosc pears hold up well, and their sweetness will "pear well" with the tender beef in this perfectly savory blend of satisfying fall flavors. Sliced and braised, these pears will make the meal. Pear it with a salad or your veggie of choice, and some crusty bread! 

Crockpot White Bean Chicken Parmesan Soup with Delicata Squash

Delicata=delicate skin. Therefore, a person can eat it. And add it to soup without peeling! Here's a delectable squash soup for the ages, a soothing and filling weeknight way to use the delicata in your life! Things may be delicate in the world of teen romance, but you can always trust your delicata faithfully making its way to you in your YB farm share. If you cook this while listening to Taylor Swift, bonus points!

Apple Cider Donut Cake

This is apple cider donuts, elevated. Simple yet fancy, moist yet crisp, this cake will get devoured whether it travels to a fall football game or an autumnal tea party. Now you can be a part of the apple cider donut action like all the super cool Ohio apple farms around you!