Friday 5 (July 26th)

Friday 5 (July 26th)

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I thought I would go back to the VERY FIRST FRIDAY 5 and see what it looked like.  Remember that picture above?

I'm throwing it back to the original categories that got this whole party started.

As a side note, we are going to be posting these Friday 5's on the Yellowbird BLOG each week to give access to old ones.
You can see that here

BOOK-  The Stand by Stephen King.  Last year I read through the entire Dark Tower Series by Stephen King which was absolutely mind blowing.  I don't really like "scary" stuff, so I really only read King when I have been advised by a friend that it's "safe".  The Stand is really the only other work by King that has been on my list.  Of course, at 1400 pages, I may not be able to give a final review until sometime in 2020....stay tuned.

MOVIE- Triple Frontier on Netflix.  I watched this about a month ago and have thought about it on multiple occasions since.  One scene in particular that changes the theme and momentum of the entire movie in about a 90 second window.  I don't want to #spoiler it, so the overview is 5 ex-marines that put together a mission that is going to take down some bad guys but also set them up to have a pile of cash.  Lots of fun moral dilemmas and just enough adrenaline to keep you up for about an hour afterwards. 

PODCAST- Peter Rollins - The Archive  I don't know whether it's Pete's Irish accent, his parables, or his constant reference to his fictional friend Sheamus, but this guys content on "How to think" has shaped me maybe more than any other philosopher in my journey.  He, more than any other, has put words to things that I felt for years, but didn't know how to describe in any form that made any sense.
“Our real beliefs are generally not to be found at the level of ego.” 
― Peter Rollins, The Idolatry of God: Breaking Our Addiction to Certainty and Satisfaction

RECIPE- Shortcake from America: The Cookbook  This link to shortcake is not the exact one from the book but I couldn't find that one, so this is the closest I could find.  I've made this many times after picking fresh raspberries and blueberries from my own Farm On Kenyon Road.  The Real question I ask myself is, "Do I actually want shortcake, or am I just using this as a means to get to eat homemade whip cream??"

SONG - P!nk - Walk Me Home  Good grief.  Try listening to this song and then NOT dancing to your next appointment.  Can't argue with a staying power of a 20+ year music career.  

There you have it.  We are 30+ "Friday 5's" into the year and there's no turning back. 
Take Chances.
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