Box #17

Box #17


Box #17

Pears, Leeks, and Grapes...where do we live?  The Garden of Eden??

Nope, it’s OHIO!  

(Throwback line to the movie Field Of Dreams…”Is this heaven?”  Kevin Costner:“No, It’s Iowa.”)

I’m always super excited when we hit that time of year where boxes make big transitions...meaning, that every size is able to have 2 or 3 BRAND NEW ITEMS.

Also, we have NEVER found enough table grapes to get them to EVERYONE in the SAME WEEK!!

Short Story Portion of the Program:

A couple of months ago, one of our YB members wanted to do a story on us.  This is not completely uncommon as we have a lot of writers, students, activists, bloggers amongst our contingency.

Well, I completely forgot about it as there is usually a “lag period” between when someone interviews or photographs you, and when the story or piece finally lands.

Last week, this gal emailed us with beautiful pics and now the story is up and running.  I had completely forgotten about it but was excited to see her project launch.  If you want to read in depth answers on our origin story, the state of the union, sustainability, diet choices, or the future of YB...check out Kim Grunwell’s piece here that will launch in 2 parts.

Yellowbird Foodshed - Part 1

We are about half way to sold out on our fall “Night On The Farm” dinner so keep getting those tickets reserved...we have had to turn people away to both of the first two events so don’t wait.

Sign me up!

We re-organized our online store to give you broad categories so that you don’t have to search as hard to find what you are looking for (we also have a new search feature - the hourglass!).  We have more and more people just adding their “staple” products to their orders as “recurring”...stop trying to remember everything and just add your milk, eggs, cheese, and yogurt to arrive EVERY WEEK!



 **Please check out our FAQ, policiesand missed pick up procedures!

Also, this is our YB Youtube channel.  Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share, Repeat
Disclaimer: These are the items we have planned for you to get this week! However, due to the nature of... well, nature, these items are subject to change. If we are unable to put a planned item in the box we will do our best to substitute it for a cost comparable item in this box, or in a box in the future. Different size boxes allow for different items, either by type or by quantity.
Lemon balm - Creekside Greenhouse
Bartlett Pears - Quarry Hill Orchards
Leeks - Great River Organics
Curly Kale - Happy Hill Farm
Roma Tomatoes - Rock Dove Farm
Hon Tsai Tai - Bradwood Farm
Table Grapes - Chef's Harvest LLC
Italian Frying Peppers - Creekside Greenhouse
Yummy Peppers - Ina's Produce
Curly Parsley - Creekside Greenhouse
Italian Frying Peppers - Creekside Greenhouse
Curly Kale - Happy Hill Farm
Bartlett Pears - Quarry Hill Orchards
Leeks - Great River Organics
Roma OR Dragon Tongue Beans - Creekside Greenhouse
Cherry/Grape Tomatoes - Busy Bee Organics
Hon Tsai Tai - Bradwood Farm
Carrots - Great River Organics
Table Grapes - Chef's Harvest LLC
Curly Parsley - Creekside Greenhouse
Italian Frying Peppers - Creekside Greenhouse
Lacinato Kale - Ina's Produce
Yummy Peppers - Ina's Produce
Bartlett Pears - Quarry Hill Orchards
Leeks - Great River Organics
Curly Kale - Happy Hill Farm
Roma Tomatoes - Rock Dove Farm
Hon Tsai Tai - Bradwood Farm
Carrots - Great River Organics
Sugar Cube Cantaloupe - Pleasant View Produce
Table Grapes - Chef's Harvest LLC
Red Bell Peppers - Pleasant View Produce


Storage:    Store them unwashed in a container in the refrigerator. Fresh grapes usually keep well for about 1 to 2 weeks in the fridge; you can also freeze grapes for future snacking or use in cooking.


Storage:  Store in your crisper drawer.

Recipe: Potato Leek Soup with Parsley Pesto
Leek Salsa


Storage:   For a bunch of whole leaves, it's all about avoiding excess moisture. Wrap the bunch of kale in a layer of paper towels, and store in a supermarket plastic bag or a zip-top plastic bag in the refrigerator crisper drawer. The kale should be in great shape for a week.

Recipes:  Olive Garden Chicken Gnocchi Soup Copycat 
(swap vegan butter and non-dairy milk for cream for a dairy free alternative)

Sugar Cube Cantaloupe

Storage:   Let a not-quite-ready cantaloupe ripen at room temperature for up to 2 days (keeping it in a closed paper bag will speed up the process). Refrigerate a whole ripe melon for up to 5 days. For cut wedges of cantaloupe, cover the surfaces and refrigerate for up to 3 days.

Recipe: Cantaloupe Smoothie
Cantaloupe Agua Fresca

Italian Frying Pepper

Storage:   Place peppers in a container and keep them in the refrigerator. 

Recipe: 21 Meatless Stuffed Peppers

Yummy Peppers

Storage:   Place peppers in a container and keep them in the refrigerator. 

Recipe: Stir Fry


Storage:    Once the greens are trimmed off, all you have to do to keep the carrots crisp and fresh is put them in a container of water and store in the refrigerator! Whole carrots stay nice and crunchy in their cold water bath, and this is also a great way to store packaged baby carrots.

Recipes: Olive Garden Chicken Gnocchi Soup Copycat 
(swap vegan butter and non-dairy milk for cream for a dairy free alternative)


Storage:    Once they are ripe, store in the refrigerator where they can actually last for a few weeks. 

Recipe: Harvest Pear Crisp

Hon Tsai Tai

Storage:   You know the drill: wrap the leaves in a damp paper towel, and store them in a container in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days. Prepare fresh tatsoi by separating the leaves and washing well. Tatsoi is a very versatile green, equally suited to being served raw or lightly cooked.

Recipes: Stir Fry


Cherry/Grape Tomatoes

Storage:   Keep at room temperature on the counter away from sunlight.

Recipe: Tomato Salad

Roma Tomatoes

Storage:  Keep at room temperature on the counter away from sunlight.

Recipe: Garden Fresh Salsa
Leek Salsa


Storage:   Store fresh beans in the refrigerator crisper in a containers to retain moisture. Stored in this manner, beans will maintain quality for 7- 10 days.

Recipe:  Dragon Tongue Bean Salad 

Curly Parsley

Storage:  Wrap the herbs loosely in the dampened paper towels and place them in a resealable bag. Seal the bag and refrigerate. This method, which allows the herbs to retain plenty of moisture, will keep your parsley fresh and wilt-free for 3–5 days.

Recipe: Parsley Potato Leek Soup
Tomato Salad

Lemon Balm

Storage:  To store your lemon balm keep the leaves and stems in big pieces to retain as much flavor as possible. Store your herbs in paper bags or glass jars (avoid plastic bags as they may lead to condensation or general planet harm). Only when you're ready to use your herbs should you crumble them up to release their essence.

Recipe: Roasted Lemon Balm Chicken

Red Bell

Storage:   Place peppers in a container and keep them in the refrigerator. 

Recipe: Leek Salsa
21 Meatless Stuffed Peppers

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In the Kitchen with Gwendolyn

In the Kitchen with Gwendolyn

Box #16

Box #16