First, thanks for letting us join you each week in your homes.
We realize that you are entrusting us with your hard-earned money each week and asking that we bring you the cleanest, closest, tastiest, healthiest food we can find.
We never want to waste your time with meaningless chatter, (except on Instagram stories when we put up meaningless chatter)(oh, and the Friday 5 which is really just my diary of meaningless chatter) but other than that (oops, just remembered the podcast), but really folks we try and limit the amount of SPAM we put out.
That being said, we are loading so many cool things into the store each week that I have to keep sending out info about it so that you know that it is there. I always think, “would I want someone to tell me this?”, and then decide. I think the food is worth it...I think our growers and producers are worth it, and I think your health and pallet are worth it.
We are on a countdown to Thanksgiving!! If you are on planet earth in 2020, you certainly have lost track of linear time so let me explain. It’s 8 weeks away.
That being said, your “normal” turkey day gathering might be a little smaller this year due to the election...I MEAN PANDEMIC...requiring perhaps a smaller bird…
Which is why we had our birds processed into halves this year. Pick your size and pick your delivery week (if you have space in your freezer, get it now). Every bird we have is listed, so once they are gone, they are gone.
**All birds are heritage breed that roam freely on organic pastures with NON-GMO feed