Box #14

Box #14

Week #14


This weather has us skeptically hopeful for an awesome spring produce season!

We have an item going in Base’s and Full’s that I have never even actually seen before.  They are called Jerusalem Artichoke’s and they look like Ginger and Potato had a baby.

Jerusalem artichokes, or sunchokes, are starchy tubers like potatoes and turnips. When roasted, the skin becomes flaky and the flesh becomes tender, but the taste of a sunchoke is slightly nutty and sweet

Please give us your feedback on these goofy looking delights!  If they are well received we will get enough next time to put in the mini box!

Going in EVERY BOX this week are some cubed sweet potato's.  We are trying to make some of your prep work for meals a little easier by bringing these items to you already cut.  Through them on a sheet tray with some oil, salt, and pepper, and then straight in the oven at 400 until desired tenderness or crispiness.  

This week we are highlighting all our PET LOVERS with some of our pet products!  

Bones and Nut Butters.



To serve individuals with disabilities with vocational training and employment.   



To impact lives, make quality all natural products,  and continue to partner with breweries, schools, other nonprofit agencies.



The original Growlers bone recipe is spent grains, peanut butter that we grind, farm eggs from Plain City, and rice flour.

We also carry a wheat free version which comprises of oats we mill, peanut butter we grind, sugar free all natural applesauce, and farm eggs.   


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We’ve added Meat Bundles!  It’s time to bundle and save with our grillin bundles and breakfast meat bundles!

*A foodshed is the geographic region that produces the food for a particular population. The term is used to describe a region of food flows, from the area where it is produced, to the place where it is consumed, including: the land it grows on, the route it travels, the markets it passes through, and the tables it ends up on. "Foodshed" is described as a "socio-geographic space: human activity embedded in the natural integument of a particular place."[1] A foodshed is analogous to a watershed in that foodsheds outline the flow of food feeding a particular population, whereas watersheds outline the flow of water draining to a particular location. Through drawing from the conceptual ideas of the watershed, foodsheds are perceived as hybrid social and natural constructs.
Alfalfa Sprouts

Richland Gro-op

Curly Kale // Hydro Kale
Pleasant View Organic Produce

English Cucumber
Bradwood Farm

Evercrisp Apples
Bauman Orchards, Inc

Field Lettuce Mix
Hardin Creek Farm (Reuben)

TTL Garlic Farm

Gold Rush Apples
Glen Hill Orchard

Hydro Arugula
Chefs Harvest LLC

Hydro Head Lettuce
Chefs Harvest LLC

Jerusalem Artichokes
Country Grist Mill
Loose Beets
Great River Organics

Mini Swiss Chard
Bradwood Farm

Mushroom Mix
Swainway Urban Farm

Red Onions
Great River Organics

Red Potatoes
Great River Organics

Ruby Red Grapefruit
Thorpe's Organic Family Farm

Great River Organics

Sweet Potato Hash Browns
Oberlin Food Hub

Valencia Oranges
Thorpe's Organic Family Farm

Watermelon Radishes
Great River Organics
Disclaimer: Different size boxes allow for different items, either by type or by quantity. 

The items in each box vary and no box will include the entire list above. Fulls will have the greatest variety, and bases will have more variety than the minis. 

Alfalfa Sprouts 

Storage: Store in the clamshell.

Sprouts are a great addition to soups, salads, pizza, burgers and more! 

Simple Roasted Beet Salad


Storage: Remove any greens and store in a glass of cold water in your fridge.

Beginner Recipe: Potato Carrot Soup
Intermediate Recipe: Carrot Lox Sushi

**potato peel your carrots into strips (vs slicing) for a perfectly tender and flavorful stir fry addition!

Curly Kale // Hydro Kale

Storage:   Store in the coldest part of your fridge.

Recipe: Roasted Sunchoke and Barley Bowl

English Cucumber

Storage:   Store in your fridge crisper. Wrap unused portion with beeswax wrap.

Beginner Recipe: Easy Cucumber Salad
Intermediate Recipe: Carrot Lox Sushi

Evercrisp Apples

Storage:   Store in your fridge crisper.

Recipe: Arugula Radish Apple Salad

Field Lettuce Mix

Storage:   Store in your crisper. 

Recipe: Warm Maple Bacon Vinaigrette


Storage:   Store in your pantry.

Recipe: Jerusalem Artichoke and Artichoke Heart Linguini

Gold Rush Apples

Storage:   Store in your fridge crisper.

Recipe: Arugula Radish Apple Salad

Hydro Arugula

Storage: Store in your crisper. Keep attached to the main bulb until ready to eat.

Recipes: Simple Roasted Beet Salad
Arugula Radish Apple Salad

Hydro Lettuce

Storage:  Store in your crisper. Keep attached to the main bulb until ready to eat.

Recipe: Candy Cane Beet Salad with Goat Cheese

Jerusalem Artichoke

Short-term storage: Store in your pantry away from light.
Longer storage: Wrap the sunchokes in paper towels and store in your crisper drawer.

Recipe: Jerusalem Artichoke and Artichoke Heart Linguini
Roasted Sunchoke and Barley Bowl

Loose Beets

Storage:   Store in your crisper.

Recipe: Simple Roasted Beet Salad

Mini Swiss Chard

Storage:   Store in your crisper.

Recipe: Roasted Sunchoke and Barley Bowl

Mushroom Mix

Storage: Store in the clamshell in your fridge.

Recipe: Roasted Sunchoke and Barley Bowl

Red Onion

Storage:  Store in your pantry.

Recipe: Potato Carrot Soup
Jerusalem Artichoke and Artichoke Heart Linguini
Roasted Sunchoke and Barley Bowl
Easy Cucumber Salad

Red Potatoes

Storage:   Store in your pantry.

Recipe: Potato Carrot Soup

Ruby Red Grapefruit

Storage:   Store in your fridge crisper.

Recipe: Vegan Grapefruit Olive Oil Cake


Storage:   Store in your crisper with a paper towel to soak up extra moisture.

Recipe: Simple Roasted Beet Salad

Sweet Potato Hash Browns

Storage:   Store in the container and use within 1-2 days.

Recipe: Sweet Potato Hash Browns

Valencia Oranges

Storage:   Store in your fridge crisper.

Recipe: Simple Roasted Beet Salad

Watermelon Radishes

Storage:   Separate from the greens and store in your crisper.

Recipe: Arugula Radish Apple Salad

Did you know you can eat the entire radish, including the greens? Here is a great recipe for Radish Greens Pesto

Common Q's
Home Delivery Folks: Please check your account for your delivery day (MY ACCOUNT >> UPCOMING DELIVERIES). Deliveries are mid-morning until late evening.

Pick up Folks: If you have questions about your pick up location or what to do if you missed pick up PLEASE check out that info under MY ACCOUNT after logging in. You can view all info related to your goodies whereabouts from that tab.

If you ever have a question about a veggie feel free to send a pic to to help you identify it!

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