Box #20

Box #20

Week #20


We finally reached the beginning of the flow of FRESH, SPRING, OHIO food.



Remember, not EVERYONE will get all of this YET as we are just getting started...but also remember, we will be rolling these goods out from here on out so just stay involved and you will ALL get yummies in your tummies. 


Here is what is coming out of the ground.



Slicer Tomatoes

Swiss Chard

Curly Kale

Lacinato Kale


Green Onions

Collard Greens


This should begin to awaken your pallet to the fresh flavors of the season!

PS - You can also add these to your order anytime you want to make sure you get some 




For the month of June we will be doing a DOUBLE Referral bonus...should we call it the “Double Birdy”?!


Meaning...each person that signs up for a YB order, and puts your name down as their reference, BOTH OF YOU WILL GET $20 added to your accounts...NO LIMIT!!


Let me suggest a line to use on your friends and neighbors…”Try the YB for a’s only $25 for the awesomest produce you can find from OHIO literally, we know the actual growers and our money goes straight to them.  It’s like going to the farmer’s market only you don’t even have to leave your house (if you don’t want to).  We will both get a FREE week of deliveries (basically), and then after that you can quit if you want.”  


**See “Puppy Dog Close Sales Technique”


You are going to start to hear stories and headlines around the shortage of food that we have coming this year.  I have already seen multiple restaurants putting out notices that they do not have chicken wings, and there are surely more to follow...and we know what happens when supply goes down...$$ go UP!

Remember when you hear these things that this is everything that we have been saying for years and that there is no need to worry.  We are NOT part of the commodities market that treats food and animals like they are factories. 

Keep your head on straight and keep buying and eating with conviction.


Memorial Day Meat Bundles...add your favorite playlist and cold beverage and your weekend is taken care of!

*A foodshed is the geographic region that produces the food for a particular population. The term is used to describe a region of food flows, from the area where it is produced, to the place where it is consumed, including: the land it grows on, the route it travels, the markets it passes through, and the tables it ends up on. "Foodshed" is described as a "socio-geographic space: human activity embedded in the natural integument of a particular place."[1] A foodshed is analogous to a watershed in that foodsheds outline the flow of food feeding a particular population, whereas watersheds outline the flow of water draining to a particular location. Through drawing from the conceptual ideas of the watershed, foodsheds are perceived as hybrid social and natural constructs.
Pleasant View Organic Produce

Black Simpson    
Hardin Creek Farm (Reuben)

Broccoli Leaf    
Bradwood Farm

Broccoli Sprouts   

Wayward Seed Farm

Collard Greens    
Hardin Creek Farm (Reuben)

Curly Kale    
Hardin Creek Farm (Reuben)

Easter Egg Radishes    
Hardin Creek Farm (Reuben)
French Breakfast    
Clarina Organics

Chefs Harvest LLC

Green Onions   
Clarina Organics

Hydro Arugula    
Chefs Harvest LLC
Lacinato Kale    
Hardin Creek Farm (Reuben)

Loose Beets    
Great River Organics

Organic Brown Rice    
Stutzman Farms

Organic Sorghum Grain    
Stutzman Farms

Wayward Seed Farm

Purple Top Turnips    
Great River Organics

Red Onions    
Great River Organics

Slicer Tomatoes    
Hardin Creek Farm (Reuben)

Great River Organics

Rhoads Farm Inc

Sweet Potatoes    
Wayward Seed Farm

Swiss Chard    
Hardin Creek Farm (Reuben)
Disclaimer: Different size boxes allow for different items, either by type or by quantity. 

The items in each box vary and no box will include the entire list above. Fulls will have the greatest variety, and bases will have more variety than the minis. 


Storage: Eat as quickly as possible. To store them, keep them in a glass of water like a bouquet of flowers (loosely covered) in your fridge.

Recipe: Vegan Sushi Rolls

Black Simpson Head Lettuce

Storage:   Store in your crisper. 

Recipe: 20 ways to eat lettuce

Broccoli Leaf

Storage:   Store in your crisper. 

Recipe: Snacks

Broccoli Sprouts

Storage:   Store in the container.
Great on soups, sandwiches, breakfasts, burgers, and more!

Recipe: Vegan Sushi Rolls


Storage: Store in a glass of water in your fridge like a bouquet.

Recipe: Super Kale Salad

Collard Greens

Storage:   Store in your crisper. 

Recipe: Vegan Collard Greens

Curly Kale

Storage:   Store in your crisper. 

Recipe: Super Kale Salad

Easter Egg Radishes

Storage:   Separate from the greens and store in your fridge crisper. (use the greens in 1-2 days)

Recipe: Honey Butter Roasted Radishes with Lemon and Thyme

French Breakfast Radishes

Storage:   Separate from the greens and store in your fridge crisper. (use the greens in 1-2 days)

Recipe: Honey Butter Roasted Radishes with Lemon and Thyme


Storage:   Store in your pantry. 

Recipe:  How to roast Garlic (great in homemade hummus!)

Green Onions

Storage:   Store in a glass of water like a bouquet.

Recipe: Green Onion Vinaigrette

Hydro Arugula

Storage: Store in your crisper. Keep attached to the main bulb until ready to eat.

Recipes: Roasted Beet and Goat Cheese Salad

Lacinato Kale

Storage:   Store in your crisper. 

Recipe: Super Kale Salad

Loose Beets

Storage:   Store in your crisper.

Recipe: Roasted Beet and Goat Cheese Salad

Organic Brown Rice

Storage:   Store in your pantry.

Recipe: Veggie Fried Rice

Organic Sorghum Grain

Storage:   Store in your pantry.

Recipe: How to cook Sorghum


Storage:   Store in your crisper.

Recipe: The best 4 ways to cook parsnips

Purple Top Turnips

Storage:   Separate from the greens and store in your fridge crisper. (use the greens in 1-2 days)

Recipe: What should I do with these?

Red Storage Onions

Storage:  Store in your pantry.

Recipe: Super Kale Salad

Slicer Tomatoes

Storage:   Store at room temperature or in your crisper once ripeness is achieved. 

Recipe: Make the most of Tomato Season!
How to use up some fresh tomatoes


Storage:   Store in your crisper with a paper towel to soak up extra moisture.

Recipe: Roasted Beet and Goat Cheese Salad


Storage:  Store in the fridge and enjoy as soon as possible! :)

Sweet Potatoes

Storage:   Store in your pantry.

Recipe: Vegan Sushi Rolls

Swiss Chard

Storage:  Store in your crisper.

Recipe: Roasted Beet and Goat Cheese Salad

Common Q's
Home Delivery Folks: Please check your account for your delivery day (MY ACCOUNT >> UPCOMING DELIVERIES). Deliveries are mid-morning until late evening.

Pick up Folks: If you have questions about your pick up location or what to do if you missed pick up PLEASE check out that info under MY ACCOUNT after logging in. You can view all info related to your goodies whereabouts from that tab.

If you ever have a question about a veggie feel free to send a pic to to help you identify it!

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