Written by Christine Laymon of farmfolkways.com, Yellowbird Member
Well, here we are almost a week into my local foods challenge and let’s just say it has been d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s! If the above snapshot of our lunch Tuesday is any indication the meals have been appealing to both the eyes and the palate.
Here we have meats, beef and chicken provided from our own farm, and the beans were grown by an Amish friend and then hulled and canned by me, and the salsa came from our own tomato and pepper harvest this summer. The greens, potatoes, onions, garlic, and dairy products were all compliments of Yellowbird Foodshed and their growers. The corn chips were from Shagbark (also purchased through the Yellowbird Foodshed store) and the corn used to make them was grown in Ohio as well. The only thing not produced by ourselves or another Ohio grower was the zucchini a left over from shopping before the local foods challenge - oh and the herbs. . . although I did use some of my own sage.