Box #30

Box #30


Box #30

I don’t know where to I start every newsletter with that line?...maybe just in my own head.

First, Navy Beans.  Over the next couple of weeks every box size will get them.  These are Ohio grown (of course), Organic (of course), from Shagbark.  Coolest part?  WE ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE THAT HAVE THEM!  We bought them ALL, FOR YA’LL!  That’s the kind of cool stuff that is happening for YB’ers now.  Do you understand that you are changing the food system for growers, purveyors, AND eaters?

Next, NEW FARM ALERT!  80 Acres Farms. John went and visited them last week and we were so blown away by their products that we are immediately incorporating them into our boxes this week.  You will get to see some baby cukes, cherry tom’s, and lettuce heads and mixes all winter from them so hang on to your local yocal’s.

Next to last, final Asian Pear’s for the year...sad face.  We love you mother nature.


Cooking needs: 

Holiday treats: 

Gift Giving:

Gift Certificates: CLICK HERE!


Bring it WINTER, 
Yellowbird Flies 12 Months a Year!

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 **Please check out our FAQ, policies, and missed pick up procedures!

Disclaimer: These are the items we have planned for you to get this week! However, due to the nature of... well, nature, these items are subject to change. If we are unable to put a planned item in the box we will do our best to substitute it for a cost comparable item in this box, or in a box in the future. Different size boxes allow for different items, either by type or by quantity.
Navy Beans - Shagbark Seed & Mill
Savoy Cabbage - Great River Organics
Asian Pears - Glen Hill Orchard
Root Veg Medley - Great River Organics
Watercress OR Tatsoi OR Candy Onion - Bradwood Farms // Country Grist Mill // Great River Organics
Spaghetti Squash - Brush Hollow Farm
Cherry/Grape Tomatoes OR Baby Cucumber's - 80 Acres

Savoy Cabbage - Great River Organics
Asian Pears - Glen Hill Orchard
Cherry/Grape Tomatoes - 80 Acres
Watercress - Bradwood Farms
Spaghetti Squash - Brush Hollow Farm
Root Veg Medley - Great River Organics
Microgreens OR Shiitake Mushrooms - Swainway Urban Farm
Tatsoi - Bradwood Farm
Hydro Artisan Lettuce - 80 Acres
Candy Onion - Country Grist Mill // Great River Organics
Thyme - Creekside Greenhouse & Produce
Savoy Cabbage - Great River Organics
Asian Pears - Glen Hill Orchard
Navy Beans - Shagbark Seed & Mill
Cherry/Grape Tomatoes - 80 Acres
Spaghetti Squash - Brush Hollow Farm
Root Veg Medley - Great River Organics
Tatsoi - Bradwood Farm
Cheese Cheddar Crisps - Bunker Hill Cheese
Shiitake Mushrooms - Swainway Urban Farm
Radishes - Richland Gro-op
Hydro Artisan Lettuce - 80 Acres
Candy Onion - Country Grist Mill

Navy Beans

Storage:    Store in your pantry.

Recipes: Navy White Bean Soup

Baby Cucumbers

Storage:  Keep in your crisper drawer.

Recipes: Cabbage Stir fry with Mushrooms and Ham


Artisan Lettuce

Storage:  Keep attached to main bulb until ready to eat.

Recipe: Tomato Cucumber Salad 


Storage:  These greens are very perishable, so wrap in damp paper towels and store unwashed in a perforated plastic bag in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. They should keep for a couple of days.

Recipe: Daikon and Tasoi 


Storage:  Wrap the herbs loosely in the dampened paper towels and place them in a resealable bag. Seal the bag and refrigerate. This method, which allows the herbs to retain plenty of moisture, will keep your herbs wilt-free for 3–5 days.

Recipe: Spaghetti Squash Boats


Storage:  These greens are very perishable, so wrap in damp paper towels and store unwashed in a perforated plastic bag in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. They should keep for a couple of days.

Recipe: Mushroom Watercress Toast 

Shiitake Mushrooms

Storage:   Shiitakes will keep for a couple of days if stored in the fridge, loosely covered with a damp paper towel.

Recipes: Cabbage Stiry Fry with Mushrooms and Ham
Mushroom Watercress Toast


Storage:   Detach from greens and store separately.

Recipe: Radish and Tatsoi

Savoy Cabbage

Storage:   Keep in your crisper drawer.

Recipe: Homemade Kimchi
Cabbage Stir Fry with Mushrooms and Ham 

Root Veg Medley

Storage:    Cut up veggies and store in a sealed mason jar of water to maintain freshness.

Recipe: Easy Roasted Root Vegetables

Candy Onion

Storage:    Store in your pantry.

Recipes: Cabbage Stir Fry with Mushrooms and Ham
Savory Asian Pear


Storage:  Keep on the counter.

Recipe: Tomato Cucumber Salad


Storage:  Wrap the herbs loosely in the dampened paper towels and place them in a resealable bag. Seal the bag and refrigerate. This method, which allows the herbs to retain plenty of moisture, will keep your herbs wilt-free for 3–5 days.

Recipe: Spaghetti Squash Boats
Mushroom Watercress Toast


Storage:  Keep microgreens between damp paper towels, and make sure they are cold and covered in a resealable bag or container. Wrapped this way, they'll last in the fridge for about a week. Keep greens covered right up until they hit the plate—this will ensure that they don't wilt or dry out.

Recipes: Microgreens are often used in Wraps, Sushi, Stirfry's, Soups, and Spring Rolls. Although fragile, microgreens are versatile and flavorful and can compliment any dish
30 of the Best Micro Recipes
Sweet Potato Quinoa Burger with Pickled Onion, Avocado, and Microgreens 


Spaghetti Squash

Storage:   Keep in your pantry or on your counter for several weeks.

Recipe: Spaghetti Squash Boats

Asian Pears

Storage:  Store in your crisper drawer.

Recipe: Savory Asian Pear


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