Box #10

Box #10


BOX #10

Hello Feathery Friends!

Story Time:  Zach (ZACE) Meyers is this dude that lives in the middle of Amish Country Ohio, and has been making HIGH quality American Selvage Denim jeans and overalls for 17 years. 

Side Note:  There are NO MORE AMERICAN SELVAGE DENIM Manufacturer’s

Back To The Story:  Last winter I had a chance to catch up with ZACE, in his workshop, and also get my hands on a pair of overalls and jeans and jacket and whatever else he had available.  Folks, I was staring at a “cone” of an extinct product.  This is the denim that you see being found in barns 100 years after they were made, with generations of hard work laced into the fabric.  

Long story short, I wear them everyday.  I keep the overall’s nice, so that if I have a meeting I can dress up real fancy like, but the jeans take the everyday work load of farming, raising kids, packing yellowbird boxes, and even an occasional nap on the porch.  

As I was leaving his house after that winter visit he calls me says, “Hey, I patented these bandana’s a couple years ago that I think your member’s would dig.”  I thanked him, but reminded him that the cost would be too high.  He then says, “No man, I’ll just give you a thousand, and you can put one in each box!”  EXCUSE ME?!?!?  WHAT?!?!?

So there you have it.  There will be a ZACE BRAND Bandana in each box this week.  They are NOT made out of that American Selvage Denim, but they ARE super cool and a nice entry point for you to see the branding, visit the website, and wear a piece of hard working “Americana”.  

Food News:

-Spoiler:  Almost Peach Season!!

-Please keep referring customers with your “personalized” link
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-Tickets still available for our FARM ON KENYON ROAD DINNER
I sent a bummer link last week that said we were “sold out”.  We are NOT!
Please come and hang with us.  This food is going to be next level local as always.
The company is average (me and my wife), but the venue and food make up for it!

Y bird over and out

 **Please check out our FAQ and missed pick up procedures!

Disclaimer: These are the items we have planned for you to get this week! However, due to the nature of... well, nature, these items are subject to change. If we are unable to put a planned item in the box we will do our best to substitute it for a cost comparable item in this box, or in a box in the future. Different size boxes allow for different items, either by type or by quantity.
Tokyo Bekana- Bradwood Farm
Zucchini- Happy Hill Farm
Green Top Candy Onion- Happy Hill Farm
Cherry/Grape Tomatoes- Reuben Hershberger
Blueberries- Busy Bee Organics
Lacinato Kale- Happy HIll Farm

Blueberries- Busy Bee Organics
Tomatoes- Happy Hill Farm
Sweet Cherries- Quarry Hill Orchards Inc.
English Burpless Cucumbers- Busy Bee Organics
Tokyo Bekana- Bradwood Farm
Lacinato Kale- Happy HIll Farm
Beets- Mile Creek

Tokyo Bekana- Bradwood Farm
Curly Parsley- Creekside Greenhouse
Tomatoes- Happy Hill Farm
Daikon Radishes- Mile Creek
Wax Beans- Creekside Greenhouse
Sweet Cherries- Quarry Hill Orchards Inc.
Beets- Mile Creek
Lacinato Kale- Happy HIll Farm
English Burpless Cucumbers- Busy Bee Organics
Kale- Ina's Produce
Blueberries- Busy Bee Organics


Storage:   The paper towel will help soak up moisture and prevent mold from developing. Store the blueberries in the refrigerator. Avoid keeping them in the coldest part of the fridge, or they will get damaged from the cold. The best place to store the berries is on the middle or bottom shelf.

Recipe: 22 Blueberry OBSESSED recipes

Grape/Cherry Tomatoes

Storage:  Keep at room temperature on the counter away from sunlight.

Recipe: Caprese Salad

Slicer Tomatoes

Storage:  Keep at room temperature on the counter away from sunlight.

Recipe:  Caprese Salad

Hot House Cucumber

Storage: Store at room temperature. If you refrigerate them, use within three days.

Recipes: Mediterranean Cucumber Salad 

Curly Parsley

Storage:   To keep fresh parsley in the refrigerator for several weeks, wash the entire bunch in warm water, shake off all excess moisture, wrap in paper towel and seal in a plastic bag. If you need longer storage time, remove the paper towel and place the sealed bag in the freezer.

Recipe: Mediterranean Cucumber Salad

Green Top Candy Onion

Storage: Store in a cool dark place away from your potatoes.

Recipes: Mediterranean Cucumber Salad

Wax Beans

Storage:   Wrap wax beans in dry paper towels and refrigerate in a reusable container for up to 3 days. Rinse the beans under cold running water. Snap off the pointy stem ends and remove any tough strings that run along the length of the bean.

Recipe: Warm Yellow Wax Beans in Bacon Vinaigrette


Storage:   According to a cherry expert we spoke to, cherries can lose more quality in one hour at room temperature than a day in the refrigerator. Thus, get your cherries in the fridge as soon as possible, preferably wrapped in a plastic bag. Wash them with cold water just before eating.

Recipe: Fresh Summer Cherries


Storage:   Remove the leaves and store Beets in a plastic bag in the crisper of the
refrigerator; they will keep at least a week. If storing the greens, they will stay fresh
1-3 days refrigerated.

Recipe: How to Cook Beets Three Ways


Storage:   To store zucchini in the fridge, keep the squash whole, dry and unwashed. Store them in a plastic or paper bag with one end open to encourage air circulation, and pop them in the refrigerator crisper drawer. They'll keep there for 1 to 2 weeks.

Recipe: 15 Vegan Zucchini Recipes

Daikon Radishes

Storage:    Keep the squash whole, dry and unwashed. Store them in a plastic or paper bag with one end open to encourage air circulation, and pop them in the refrigerator crisper drawer. They'll keep there for 1 to 2 weeks.

Recipe: Mediterranean Cucmber Salad

Lacinato Kale

Storage:   Place in a large container with a half-sheet of paper towel to absorb moisture.
Squeeze as much air out as possible and leave the container ajar to
promote air flow.

Recipe: Grilled Lacinato Kale


Storage:   Place in a large container with a half-sheet of paper towel to absorb moisture.
Squeeze as much air out as possible and leave the container ajar to
promote air flow.

Recipe: Sheet Pan Kale and Eggs 

Tokyo Bekana

Storage:    Wrap the entire head in a paper towel, place in a container, and store in the fridge. Pull off leaves or cut off chunks of Bekana as you need them, rewrap remaining leaves in paper towel and return to container. 

Recipes: Asian Greens

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Berry Clafoutis Recipe

Berry Clafoutis Recipe

Friday 5 (July 19th)

Friday 5 (July 19th)