Let’s all take a collective breath together...in…out…
There are many things that I could talk about but let me just say this...this group of people has been preparing for this moment long before the crisis arrived.
We’ve known a long time that the food system as it existed was not sustainable. All this has done is affirm what we already saw...that our growers right here need to know that we will buy their food 365 days a year, with or without a crisis.
For now we will continue to do what we have always done and build a system that can endure for the “long haul”.
I was in the freezer last night at 9pm packing orders that were literally 10X bigger than any week of orders we have ever had and this thought crossed my mind. “This is literally what I pictured 8 years ago when were dreaming of how we could build a resilient, sustainable, fair, and healthy food system in Ohio.”
Those that know me well, know that this is not a brag...this is ALL ABOUT
The Earth
The Food
The Human
If we do the earth right, she will do the food right, in turn making a healthy human and maybe, just maybe, the circle will be allowed to continue for a little while longer.
The food this week is pretty standard winter stuff...we did try and work a cabbage or kraut in to keep rolling the Feast of the Saint Patrick.
MANY OF YOU HAVE A LOT BIGGER STORE ORDER THAN NORMAL... You can create a “recurring” order so that you don’t have to remember each week to add it to your cart.
Thanks as always for your business and keep us posted on what you are needing throughout the coming weeks.