Box #18

Box #18

Box #18


There are about 10 items a year that are turning into “cult classic’s”.  RAMP’s are quickly becoming a contender for TOP 5.

If we are lucky, they are around each spring for about a month.  Also, they are WILD...meaning, if we get them from anyone, they are foraged and not grown.  Couple that with having over 1000 members at a time when we normally have about 350, and I was not sure we were going to be able to get EVERYONE ramps this year.  

But alas, mother nature has provided yet again.  Last week the Full box’s got them, and this week the Base’s and Mini’s get a turn.  ENJOY!

We also are including some of that Thorpe’s OJ, that has gotten a lot of us through this winter without so much as a sniffle.  

Evercrisp apples, cabbage, and carrots round out a nice box of medicine...I mean health...I mean food, for the week.

Anyone want a preview of the next couple of weeks??

Here is what a little birdy (John Marsh, aka Ole Man Marsh, aka YB Food Buyer) told me is going to be ready...The Age of Asparagus is returning, Blueberries will make Violet turn Violet, and Peaches instead of beaches for 2020.

Also, when you read the headlines about “Our Food System Is BROKEN” reply is, “Yes, it has been for 50+ years...and most of the time, the companies that are complaining that it is unstable are the VERY ONES WHO MADE IT UNSTABLE.”  Don’t be joined the YB to participate in a NEW FOOD SYSTEM.  We (you and me), are changing the game.  

Are there natural ebbs and flows in the production of milk, eggs, meat, and veggies each year?  YES...OF COURSE...WE ARE DEALING WITH LIVING CREATURES AND SYSTEMS.

That being said, we are NOT out of flour and meat...order before Saturday at midnight and get it next week.  Also, start to think about food resilience and security in terms of…”What if I can’t get to a store for 4, 6, or 8 weeks...will I have enough in my pantry, freezer, and/or cupboards to be OK?”  If not, get a 25# bag of flour or enough frozen meat to last you for a while...I’ve got 4 (you don’t need 4), deep freezes in my garage full of food!! (and very little of that is meat)  


Disclaimer: These are the items we have planned for you to get this week! However, due to the nature of... well, nature, these items are subject to change. If we are unable to put a planned item in the box we will do our best to substitute it for a cost comparable item in this box, or in a box in the future. Different size boxes allow for different items, either by type or by quantity.
Evercrisp Apples
Bauman Orchards, Inc.
Green Cabbage
Wayward Seed Farm
Wayward Seed Farm
Bradwood Farm
Orange Juice
Bradwood Farm
Living Bibb Lettuce
Old Souls Farm
Great River Organics
Evercrisp Apples
Bauman Orchards, Inc.
Green Cabbage
Wayward Seed Farm
Wayward Seed Farm
Old Souls Farm
Orange Juice
Bradwood Farm
Living Bibb Lettuce
Old Souls Farm
Great River Organics
Curly Kale
80 Acres
Collards OR Radishes
Hardin Creek  // Creekside Greenhouse 
Fireworks Tomatoes
80 Acres
Evercrisp Apples
Bauman Orchards, Inc.
Green Cabbage
Wayward Seed Farm
Baby Arugula OR Microgreens
80 Acres // Swianway Urban Farms
Orange Juice
Bradwood Farm
Romaine Lettuce
Old Souls Farm
Dandelion Greens
Bradwood Farm
Curly Kale
80 Acres
Creekside Greenhouse & Produce
Fireworks Tomatoes
80 Acres
Stutzman Farm


Storage: If you don't have a lot of apples, the refrigerator is a good option. Place them in the crisper drawer in an opened container with holes in it or cover the apples with a damp paper towel.


Bibb Lettuce 

Storage:   Cover the top of the greens with damp paper towels and store in your refrigerator. Hydro lettuce with the root attached will last about a week if treated kindly. Remove leaves right before consumption.

Recipe: PF Chang's Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Orange Juice

**Instructions on package

Recipe: Tatsoi Sesame Orange Dressing



Storage:   Roll them in a damp paper towel, place in an unsealed plastic bag, and keep them in the fridge. Make sure the delicate leaves are covered by the towel, and don't bend or crush the plant. Don't be surprised when your entire refrigerator smells like garlic.

Recipe: Ramp Pasta


Storage:  Remove the leaves and store radishes in the crisper of the refrigerator. They will keep for up to a week. If storing the greens consumer within 3 days. 

Sauteed Radishes

Collard Greens

Storage:   To store fresh collard greens, place the greens in an air-tight plastic bag without washing them first. Be sure to push out as much air as you can before sealing the bag! Next, place the bagged collard greens in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator and use them within 5 to 7 days.

Recipe: Vegan Dirty Rice and Collards

Fireworks Tomatoes

Storage:   Keep tomatoes at room temperature for the best flavor. You can keep them in a bowl on the counter for super easy, healthful snacking. At room temperature, they will keep for up to three days.

Recipe:  Fresh Tomato Recipes


Storage:  Store in your pantry

35 Best Quinoa Bowls

Curly Kale

Storage:   For a bunch of whole leaves, it's all about avoiding excess moisture. Wrap the bunch of kale in a layer of paper towels, and store in a container in the refrigerator crisper drawer. The kale should be in great shape for 3-5 days.

Recipe: Beyond Salad


Storage:   Store Romaine lettuce unwashed in a container in the refrigerator, or wash the leaves, dry them thoroughly, and refrigerate in a tightly sealed container. Either way, Romaine should last for up to a week. 

Recipe: Grilled Romaine

Dandelion Greens

Storage:   Leaves should be rinsed in cool water, dried thoroughly, and stored in an open container. Wrap them loosely in damp paper towels.

Recipe: Dandelion Greens Omelet


Storage:   Carrots can be stored for up to a month by cutting off the greens and placing the carrots in a sealed container covered in water in the fridge. Change the water ever 4-5 days.

Recipe: Tatsoi Sesame Orange Dressing
Cabbage Carrots Stir Fry


Storage:   Place in a large reusable container with a half-sheet of paper towel to absorb moisture. Use within 2-3 days.

Recipe: Lemony White Bean and Arugula Salad


Storage:   Store the cabbage in the crisper drawer in your fridge for up to 2 weeks. Wrap it tightly with beeswax wrap after it's been cut.

Recipe: Cabbage and Carrots Stir Fry


Storage:   Store tatsoi in cold refrigeration, isolated in the crisper drawer with other cold-storage vegetables. Tatsoi has a short shelf-life and will only last a few days. Wait to wash until eating or cooking.

Recipe: Tatsoi Sesame Orange Dressing


Storage:   Keep microgreens between damp paper towels, and make sure they are cold and covered in a container. Wrapped this way, they'll last in the fridge for about a week. Keep greens covered right up until they hit the plate—this will ensure that they don't wilt or dry out during service.

Top your favorite wraps, soups, salads, pizzas, and more with these nutritional macro flavor micro greens!
Ramped up Sandwich


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Box #19

Box #19

Friday Five (April 24th)

Friday Five (April 24th)