One of the coolest things that has developed over the last 3 months, is working with vendors and producers to provide something that can be put in EVERY box. This happens because companies want their product in your hands now that they know the YB Fam Runs DEEP! We have done it with kimchi, yogurt, and this week we get to do it with COLD PRESSED JUICE!
Garden Of Flavor has given us a deal that will give you either
Aronia Berry - is a superfood with an abundance of antioxidants. It's the highest antioxidant berry in the world, even better than the elderberry. It's perfect for immune system support.
Shoots and Sprouts - is a very unique green juice! Overflowing with enzymes, vitamins, proteins, and minerals, Shoots and Sprouts is sure to become your go-to green juice. All greens—no apples or fruit! At only 5-10 days of age, tender young plants (called sprouts) are their most nutrient-dense and we add a splash of jalapeno for a kick of flavor!
Next up, MUNG BEANS. Working with our new sprouts provider, we wanted to get you the ultimate stir fry ingredient.
Over the next 6 weeks you will see a mixture of a bunch of spring plants...Kale, Collards, Spinach, Beet Greens, or Swiss Chard...these can all be eaten raw, mixed together with salad greens to make the ultimate salad blend, stir fried, or baked into “chips”...all else fails, stuff them into the smoothie.
Remember, you are eating your medicine. There is no better way to fight off, prevent, immunize, harmonize, and strategize with our bodies and with nature than to eat what she has graciously provided.
One of the huge differences in what we do (like you don’t know this), is that we are buying for you ONLY WHAT IS COMING FROM OUR OHIO FARMS…(we made an exception for the Thorpe’s from Florida because their oranges, grapefruits, and OJ is just so dang tasty)(and honestly, if we met others that were as dedicated to organic farming in other states and had unique products that we couldn’t get here we might bend the rules again) but 99% of the time it’s from our own backyard (metaphorically I am saying that we consider all of OHIO our backyard).
(confused yet? Stick around long enough and you will come to realize my favorite punctuation is the (parenthesis), the …, and the PS)
I say all that to say that MOST of your diet when you are eating with YB sourced products is from less than 150 miles away! Less carbon footprint, ABSOLUTELY fresher, tastier, packed with the nutrients we need, and WAY MORE STABLE FOR OUR FOOD SUPPLY SYSTEMS.
This has been a hot button topic in the news and I want you all to know that what they are talking about does NOT apply to us...for the most part. There are some bottlenecks that we are seeing develop as this pandemic continues, but for the most part, as of right now, we are insulated from the meat issues, dairy issues, and supply issues we are hearing so much about.
If the weather would cooperate, we might actually see something other than greens in our boxes this year. Eat your greens now and those peppers and summer squash will taste all the better when they start to pop!
Erin is going to show you guys some stuff that you can add to your box for next week…
Love Y'all
PS - don’t really have anything but felt I owed it to you after telling you about it earlier in the letter