Box #12

Box #12

Week #12


Last week the “Dirty Dozen” list came out.


The dirty dozen are the 12 varieties of produce that were tested to have the highest levels of chemicals on them.


You can check the list at the link, but I wanted to highlight something very important.  When I saw this list last Tuesday, I noticed that apples were #5.  


Under the picture, there was a little blurb about how apples are typically treated with Diphenylamine, that is used to prevent brown or black spots from forming on the fruit.  This chemical is banned in Europe because of a link to stomach and esophageal cancer.


You all know by now that our apples are NOT organic, but that we know each of our orchards and are free to ask them questions.  I immediately sent an email to Glen Hill, one of the biggest orchards in the state, located about 8 miles from our warehouse out here in Mount Vernon.  (As you can imagine, we buy a lot of apples from them) 


Here was her response less than 3 hours later,


Hi Benji,

No, we do not use DPA.  It is a chemical that can be used post harvest to prevent storage problems.  We do not use it and I haven’t heard of anyone in my co-op who does use it.  I think it may be more common for large growers who need longer term storage.


Please let me know any other questions you or your customers have.  I am always happy to answer.


Am I glad they don’t use it?  OF COURSE


But MORE importantly, I am glad that I know the people that are growing our food, and that I can just ask them for us!


Have you heard about the bird...wings?!?

They are so good they don't even need sauce...but then we tried them with sauce and they were even better.




Remember about a year ago we promoted my uncles CBD company?  

We are finally carrying some of their products.  I eat 3 gummies a day right now and I don't know if it is because they are so yummy or because of how they make me feel?  I'm old enough that I don't care either way any more!



Through Easter, enter code “3DOZENDEAL” to “Buy 3 dozen eggs, save $1 per dozen on Sweet Grass Dairy Pastured Eggs

*A foodshed is the geographic region that produces the food for a particular population. The term is used to describe a region of food flows, from the area where it is produced, to the place where it is consumed, including: the land it grows on, the route it travels, the markets it passes through, and the tables it ends up on. "Foodshed" is described as a "socio-geographic space: human activity embedded in the natural integument of a particular place."[1] A foodshed is analogous to a watershed in that foodsheds outline the flow of food feeding a particular population, whereas watersheds outline the flow of water draining to a particular location. Through drawing from the conceptual ideas of the watershed, foodsheds are perceived as hybrid social and natural constructs.
Chef's Harvest LLC

Bok Choy
Bradwood Farm

Chioggia Beets
Great River Organics

Creamed Honey
Gabric Honey

English Burpless Cucumbers
Bradwood Farm

Evercrisp Apples
Bauman Orchards, Inc

Gold Flaxseed
Stutzman Farms

Hydro Artisan Lettuce
Chef's Harvest LLC

Hydro Kale
Chef's Harvest LLC

Thorpe's Organic Family Farm

Lettuce Mix
Richland Gro-op
Chef's Harvest LLC

Mushroom Mix
Swainway Urban Farm

Pickled Beets
Hershberger's Cannery

Purple Top Turnips
Great River Organics

Red Onion
Great River Organics

Ruby Red Grapefruit
Thorpe's Organic Family Farm

Small Watermelon Radishes
Thorpe's Organic Family Farm

Stutzman Farms

Spicy Sprouts

Great River Organics

Valencia Oranges
Thorpe's Organic Family Farm
Disclaimer: Different size boxes allow for different items, either by type or by quantity. 

The items in each box vary and no box will include the entire list above. Fulls will have the greatest variety, and bases will have more variety than the minis. 


Storage: Store in your crisper.

Recipes: 31 Arugula Recipes

Bok Choy

Storage:   Store in your crisper.

Recipe: Thai Curry Vegetable Soup

Chioggia Beets

Storage:   Store in your crisper.

Recipe: Candy Cane Beet Salad with Goat Cheese

Creamed Honey

Storage:   Store in your pantry.

Did you know?! There are no additives in creamed honey, it is only the "whipping" process that makes it creamed in consistency

Recipe:: Candy Cane Beet Salad with Goat Cheese

English Burpless Cucumbers

Storage:   Store in your crisper. Seal the cut part with beeswax wrap.

Recipe: Cucumber Radish Salad

Evercrisp Apples

Storage:   Store in your crisper.

Recipe: Massaged Kale Salad with Radish and Apple

Gold Flaxseed

Storage: Store in your pantry.

How to use: Top on your hot or cold breakfast cereal, or add to your dressings when eating a sandwich for some extra fiber.

Vegan? Try a flax-egg

Hydro Artisan Lettuce

Storage:   Keep attached to the main bulb until ready to eat and store in your crisper.

Recipe: Candy Cane Beet Salad with Goat Cheese

Hydro Kale

Storage:   Keep attached to the main bulb until ready to eat and store in your crisper.

Recipe: Massaged Kale Salad with Radish and Apple

Kohlrabi (can be green or purple)

Storage:   Store in your crisper. Check out this blog on how to prep kohlrabi.

Recipe: Roasted Kohlrabi: German Turnips

Lettuce Mix

Storage:   Store in your crisper. 

Recipe: Candy Cane Beet Salad with Goat Cheese


Storage: Store in the clamshell.

Sprouts are a great addition to soups, salads, pizza, burgers and more! 

Mushroom Mix

Storage: Store in the clamshell in your fridge.

Recipe: Grain Bown Twist

Pickled Beets

Storage: Store in pantry and then refrigerate after opening.

Recipes: Mixed Mushroom Ragout

Purple Top Turnips

Storage: Store in your crisper. Use the greens within 1-2 days.

Recipes: Roasted Kohlrabi: German Turnips

Red Onions

Storage: Store in your pantry.

Recipes: Thai Curry Vegetable Soup

Ruby Red Grapefruit

Storage:   Store in your fridge crisper.

Recipe: 32 Grapefruit Recipes

Small Watermelon Radishes

Storage: Store in your crisper.

Recipes: Massaged Kale Salad with Radish and Apple
Creamy Cucumber Radish Salad


Storage:   Store in your pantry.

Recipe: Grain Bown Twist

Spicy Sprouts 

Storage: Store in the clamshell.

Sprouts are a great addition to soups, salads, pizza, burgers and more! 


Storage:   Store in your crisper with a paper towel to soak up extra moisture.

Recipe: Candy Cane Beet Salad with Goat Cheese

Valencia Oranges

Storage:   Store in your fridge crisper.

Recipe: Grapefruit Paloma

Common Q's
Home Delivery Folks: Please check your account for your delivery day (MY ACCOUNT >> UPCOMING DELIVERIES). Deliveries are mid-morning until late evening.

Pick up Folks: If you have questions about your pick up location or what to do if you missed pick up PLEASE check out that info under MY ACCOUNT after logging in. You can view all info related to your goodies whereabouts from that tab.

If you ever have a question about a veggie feel free to send a pic to to help you identify it!

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