Last night my 5 year old says to me, “Dad, when it’s marshmallow season again can we get those little ones and put them in hot chocolate?”
Kid gets it.
Last night my 5 year old says to me, “Dad, when it’s marshmallow season again can we get those little ones and put them in hot chocolate?”
Kid gets it.
When we first started this company, we didn’t foresee a couple of the challenges that would face us in that first year. One of the biggest (literally), were the cantaloupes.
We had not yet started working closely enough with the growers to have a say in what they planted each season so we just bought the normal size of everything they grow. Cantaloupes, Water melons, butternut squash, cabbage...all TOO DANG BIG to even fit in our cardboard boxes!!
Hey folks!
Benji is driving a route today, so the newsletter is brought to you by me (Erin). If you've ever reached out to Yellowbird- 99.99% chance it was me on the receiving end of that message- so HI!
We have a tradition here at the Yellowbird warehouse.
Whenever the first corn on the cob arrives, we stop what we are doing and we pay homage. We do this by grabbing an ear, pulling back the husk, and eating the corn raw, right off the cob.
Our new employees usually look at us like we are crazy (which we are). But, then they see the look of pure bliss that only the sweetest of corn can deliver.
For those of you keeping score at home, this is week 27 of our deliveries for the year 2021! #halfwaytochristmas
This is our “wheelhouse”, where we start to see so much produce that we can’t even decide what we should buy each week because it is ALL so yummy. #tasty
Cherry Bomb!
There are not many of them available from our local farms but the ones we could find we grabbed...and for this particular week we grabbed a LOT...enjoy!
Ohio Blueberries are ripening fast and furious and we are having them picked, literally as I write this. They require so much time and labor to pick that it’s almost an around the clock job when they ripen. If you don’t get them this week, there should be plenty for everyone in the coming weeks.
Sometimes I need to let you behind the curtain on why our food system is the way it is.
Here at the warehouse we do most of our food pickups on Tuesday. 48 hours prior to that we have been on the phone with somewhere between 20-30 growers for that given week and given them what we think will be a solid order for the week.
Strawberry Fields Forever…..
Pro Tip: Freeze your Strawberries on a sheet pan with the greens still on. When frozen scrape off and put in a ziplock and back in the freezer. Throw the entire strawberry (green and all) into a smoothie mix when ready.
Yes, folks, we have come to the end of the line on roots. You have been patient and we thank you for that as we obviously committed ourselves many months ago to many pounds of the sacred roots.
This is the dawning of the Age of Asparagus, Age of Asparagus, Aasspaaarrrraaaggguuusss!
Last year some of you may remember that we had a horrible year for Strawberries and literally might have had them once for everyone if we were lucky.
This year, both the asparagus and the strawberries continue to flow in so we keep buying them knowing how sacred they are, and how short-lived they are.
Join us for Part 6 of our YBFS Book Club – “The Conversation” by Robert Livingston
Led by Jessica C. Burton and hosted by Benji Ballmer
PART FOUR (Chapters 11-12)
Tuesday, June 1st 6:30pm-7:30pm
Join The Conversation on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 973 7047 8411
Passcode: 236153
Access past sessions and view the schedule for upcoming Zoom book club meetings here >
We finally reached the beginning of the flow of FRESH, SPRING, OHIO food.
Remember, not EVERYONE will get all of this YET as we are just getting started...but also remember, we will be rolling these goods out from here on out so just stay involved and you will ALL get yummies in your tummies.
Join us for Part 5 of our YBFS Book Club – “The Conversation” by Robert Livingston
Led by Jessica C. Burton and hosted by Benji Ballmer
PART FOUR (Chapters 79-10)
Tuesday, May 18th 6:30pm-7:30pm
Join The Conversation on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 973 7047 8411
Passcode: 236153
Access past sessions and view the schedule for upcoming Zoom book club meetings here >
Thanks to everyone for all your support each week as we continue to move through the ups and downs of spring weather and temperatures.
We are just seeing our first flush of asparagus and just like the ramps, we will have just enough for a few people at first, but over the course of the next month, you will get pounds of it no matter what size box you have.
Here comes the spring!!
We are seeing more and more food coming in from the fields of our growers (think french/easter egg radish’s). Also the greens like lettuce, cilantro, and spinach are coming out of the soil vs. hydroponics which we rely heavily on through the winter.
Join us for Part 4 of our YBFS Book Club – “The Conversation” by Robert Livingston
Led by Jessica C. Burton and hosted by Benji Ballmer
PART FOUR (Chapters 7-8)
Tuesday, May 4th 6:30pm-7:30pm
Join The Conversation on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 973 7047 8411
Passcode: 236153
Access past sessions and view the schedule for upcoming Zoom book club meetings here >
We are closing in on two great holidays...Cinco de Mayo and Mother’s Day!
For Cinco de Mayo, we partnered with Shagbark to bring you a bag of Corn Cracker Mini to use for your favorite dish. This week I would add these items to my cart to make sure I could at least make nachos.
“Violet, you’re turning violet!
Oompa, Loompa, Loopity, Da
If you like blueberries, you will go far!!
This week we have enough blueberries AND ramps to make sure everybody gets some.
Join us for Part 3 of our YBFS Book Club – “The Conversation” by Robert Livingston
Led by Jessica C. Burton and hosted by Benji Ballmer
PART THREE (Chapters 5-6)
Tuesday, April 20th 6:30pm-7:30pm
Join The Conversation on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 973 7047 8411
Passcode: 236153
What is it??
Rainbow Carrots - 29%
Beets - 29%
Parsnips - 29%
Black Radish - 5%
Chioggia Beets - 5%
Pink Daikon Radish - 3%